Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 27: (Jan 23) Segovia to Fredericksburg 62.16

Odo 4064.6

Got up and did breakfast st the truck stop. The booth I picked must
have been the very most popular one, as the cushion had about a 6"
depression in it where I sat! When I left it was a bit cloudy, but
the wind was favorable. I elected to continue on I10 until the 290
cutoff to Fredericksburg. This was uneventful, although the traffic
was heavier than the previous day. 290 was pretty empty of traffic and
I didn't feel bad taking a lane rather than the rougher shoulder. At
this point I could see showers off to my left, and they were headed
south east. I felt that if I kept up a good pace I could keep ahead of
them and maybe avoid them alltogether. This was only the second cloudy
day in the trip so far. After about 20 miles I passed Harper, and the
rain threat dissapated into just cloudyness. About an hour out from
Fredericksburg I called Sara and made plans to meet at Fredericksburg
Brewing for lunch/dinner, and from there I drove home with them ending
the western phase of the trip.

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