Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 43: Easleyville to Franklinton 52.57

Odo 4878.1 morn

I got up determined not to use the restroom if possible due to the mud inside it which smells much like cow manure. In Kentwood, I had breakfast at the sonic and watched a guy doing something next door. It turned out that he was doing environmential monitoring. In particular, he was checking groundwater levels and peterolium contaminants. We had an interesting conversation which included mention of a bamboo farm near Franklinton. His wife wanted to plant some black bamboo. I had never heard of black bamboo!

After another 5 miles or so I arrived at the day's most important stop. It is a small cabin which sits on about 25 acres of pine forest. My father built it when I was very young, and it became the only constant "home" we had while I was growing up. Not that we ever lived there, but we always came back to visit my grandparents and relatives. My father died a few years ago, and the cabin remains the only part of his estate we have not dealt with. For these reasons, visiting it brings up some sadness for me, and after spending an hour or so there, I left to continue on to Franklinton.

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