Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 47 (Feb 27): Dauphin Island to Gulf Beach 48

Odo 5143.9

Florida, Florida - my last state!

Was saddened to realize this morning that the iPod wouldn't charge; it's really gone.

Got up, repacked the tent, the tent fly (which I had tried to wash some more to reduce the souvenir of the cat visitor a couple of nights ago), and the clothes I'd washed. Left the motel about 10:30 and headed for the Lighthouse Bakery, where I enjoyed a bacon spiral, strawberry cream cheese danish, croissant, and chocolate chip cookie - the breakfast of champions. The day was brightening up quickly, and the roads were dry by the time I was leaving the bakery.

I discovered that my saddle had shifted all the way to the back, so I got my wrench out and readjusted it. This explained why I was having trouble with sitting further back and the discomfort of the resulting pressure on my crotch.

The cookies at the bakery were good, so I got a half dozen before heading on my way.

I took a ferry from Dauphin Island to Fort Morgan. I spoke to some people who were standing around their car waiting for the ferry to come. On the ferry, I talked to a guy with a Sprinter RV conversion van. He had eight feet of headroom in his van.

I've dubbed this day's ride "the endless beach house / condo parade." Pretty land that varies between beach scrub and pine forest. I'm camping at Big Lagoon State Recreation Area. The clerk asked for my phone number, and bingo! they had my info. This is because they use the same on-line reservation service the Texas parks use. The campground is pretty, but the charge was $22, which is about what Texas parks charge, but seems steep after the RV places' $10-$16 charges. The RV places often have better showers, laundry, etc., but lack the beauty the parks usually have.

About 2:30 AM I thought I heard something, so I took a look. A raccoon was checking out my panniers. I tried to threaten him, but his response was more like, "Oh, hi. Thanks for leaving these things out for me. You're a nice guy. Do you want to watch me eat your panniers?" I got up and tried to figure out somewhere to hang my panniers. After about 20 minutes, I got them hung up, so the knots I've spent the last few years learning finally came in handy.

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